Web Design

Bringing simulations back to life


Medical Equipment Manufacturer - Corporate Corrections

About the Project

Avkin is a manufacturer of wearable devices for use in healthcare simulations and is a consultant for standardized patient programs.
During my job search, I applied for a web developer position at Avkin. Unfortunately, I was not considered for further consideration. My sister is a former nurse and the company’s mission really stuck with me. As a result, I got so inspired to design a mockup.

Desktop Design

Avkin hero image mockup

Mobile Design

A fully responsive design
hand drawn inspired
Avkin hero image mobile mockup

About the Design

Avkin’s goal is to fix the current state of medical simulations by incorporating live patients. I was inspired by the corrections a teacher makes on a student’s assignment. Think of a graded assignment that is full of red ink.

Web Page

Avkin hero image
the hero image includes social proof and a video
Avkin product section web design mockup
A product breakdown
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